AmigaOS3.5 (415/967)

From:Trevor Daley
Date:14 May 2000 at 22:57:33
Subject:Re: SCREEN MODE Prefs

On 14-May-00 17:23:24 *T.B.* wrote about [amigaOS3_5] Re: SCREEN MODE
Prefs, so I though I would say...

>>> Contents of WBStartup drawer:
>>> * MultiCX

> bin it, causes unpredictable crashes. MCP 1.30 is more compatible.

No don't. It may cause crashes for you, but has *never* caused any
crashes for me (and many others).

MCP has always been unstable for me, I have never been able to get the
right combination of MCP's settings to make it stable.

Ciao, Trev.

A1200T 030/40 * 2meg Chip / 64meg Fast Ram * CV64/3D P96 * OS3.5
Trevor Daley E-Mail:-
South Australia ICQ: #12990261
Message written using *Thor* Version 2.6a on 15-May-0 06:54:08.

Live long and prosper

I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing.

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